Samstag, 7. März 2009

RI1NU - Valaam Island, Russia

This was an expedition 2005 from members of the Russian Robinson Club(RRC) Victor, RN1NU and Valery, RN1NC.
The QSL card came in via the DARC bureau.
The Valaam Monastery is a stauropegic Orthodox monastery in Russian Karelia, located on Valaam, the largest island in Lake Ladoga, the largest lake in Europe.
First Mentions about the monastery on the island of Valaam are dated back to 10th century. It`s founders are supposed to be saints Sergey and German of Valaam. Since then the cloister time and again has been destroyed or caused losses but has risen again from neglect. In the year of 1989 the revival of the monastery of Valaam has started and it is continuing till now.The Radio-expedition RI1NU to the Saint island and cloister of Valaam is devoted to end of restorations works of the core structure of the Church of Transfiguration and consecration of a new 16-tons bell of "Andrew the first called" by the Patriarch of Moscow and the whole Russia Aleksey the II. The bell rised on to the 72-meter high bell-tower at the autumn of 2005.
73 de Gerd DL5AWI

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