Sonntag, 1. März 2009

CU8T - Flores Island, Azores

This QSL from CU8T I received via the DARC-QSL-Bureau. The international team on Flores Island was Luis CT1AGF, Antonio CT1EPV, Tony CT1HJA, Franz DF6QV, Juergen DJ2VO, Martin DL3MK, Jack F6HMJ, Derek G3KHZ, Herman HB9CRV and Philipp HB9FMU.
The group had severe problems due to the high winds wich damaged a Spider Beam and snapped a Titanex antenna. She finally used simple dipoles for the run station.Flores Island is the most westerly island in the Azores archipelago. It was discovered around 1452 by the portuguese navigator Diogo de Teive and his son. Joao de Teive. Around 1470, Willem Van der Haeghen became the first settler. The island was first named Ilha de Sao Thomas, but was later changed to Ilha das Flores due the abundance of flowers. It is an extremely pretty ©wikimedia Agrense
Flores has a population of approx 5000 peoples. The island measures 17km by 12,5km and the highest point is 914m (3000ft).
73 de Gerd DL5AWI

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